Kiez und Quarantäne

This card game was created during the lockdown in spring 2020 and is about a contagious virus that is spreading among people. The aim of the game is to stop the virus and break its chain of infection - using antibody cards. The scenario depicted on the cards takes place in Hamburg: on the Reeperbahn, partying, at the crossroads and shopping in the fight for the last toilet paper.

Prototyp, 2020

Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne.
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne.
Photo of the illustrated card game Kiez und Quarantäne.


Foto von Skizzen für das Kartenspiel Kiez und Quarantäne.  Photo of sketches for the card game Kiez und Quarantäne.
Foto von Skizzen für das Kartenspiel Kiez und Quarantäne.  Photo of sketches for the card game Kiez und Quarantäne.
Foto von Skizzen für das Kartenspiel Kiez und Quarantäne.  Photo of sketches for the card game Kiez und Quarantäne.


